Why Natural?

You Are Killing Your Hair and its Rebelling Against You
I don’t want to get political about hair. I don’t want to
create a divide between natural or relaxed. However I do want
you to understand that the more you force your hair to do things
that are far away from its god given state the more difficultly
you will have in getting it to grow.

Even those lovely ladies who swear to have long relaxed hair will
tell you, that in order for it to grow you have to lightly
relaxed the hair. Don’t relaxed the hair too strong or for too
long. You know what I mean?

What I am trying to emphasis is that anything, whether it be
a hair process, or a hair treatment, a particular beauty product
or a hair style; if it goes too far away from what is the natural
state of your hair you will encounter set backs as well as
difficulty with growing longer hair.

Here is a common scenario that you don’t want to create.
Your hair is relaxed, your flat iron it every weekend.Then you
apply a super slick setting cream to set your curl patterns.
Because the hair is already relaxed, you have already stripped
the strands of their natural protective bonds.  Flat ironing the
hair once again puts it at a further distance from its natural
balance.  Add, the super firm setting cream with all of its
inferior ingredients and you have hair that is frustrated.
Don’t expect to see shine, don’t expect to reach your goal
If you want full, healthy hair that responds well to whatever
style you want, then you have to treat your hair well.  Don’t
abuse it.
Be mindful of how many different processes you put your
hair through.  Don’t layer several processes over each other.
Its hair you are working with and its a fine fabric which should
be handled well if you want length, softness and shine.

Maybe you aren’t ready to go all natural. Maybe you believe
that natural is hard to care for or your hair is not the sort of
hair type for natural.  In any case I am here to tell you that
if you do want to relax then you have to slowly reduce the
strength of your relaxer and the frequency of application if
you want results.  And, as stated above be mindful of how
many different things you do to the hair that are not keeping
the hair in a state of balance.

taken from hair info

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